I completely understand the drag Twitter and social media platforms can be, especially with the chaos in the world around us. However, God has placed us here in this time and space; maybe it’s for us to lift each other up in the fight for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Your posts have done that for me. This prayer has always strengthened me, perhaps it can do the same for you:

“We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. Because by Your holy Cross, You have redeemed the world. By the sign of the holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, O God.”

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Rae

From the beginning, I have only followed people on Twitter and don't let anyone follow me without a request which I never accept. At first, I wanted to post and comment but knew this form of "social media" was not good for my soul.

You have been one of my favorites on Twitter to follow Rae and I have learned so much from your posts and especially from the books you have suggested. My husband and I have been building our little library and so many of your suggestions are on our shelves and many have been read.

Please continue to share your wisdom and poetry on Substack. If you don't, my husband and I will miss you and only wish God to bless you and your family (chickens too) abundantly.

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I am saddened to hear you may delete your Twitter account although I certainly understand why you would. I so looked forward to your commentary but I'm glad to be able to read an expanded version here. May God continue to bless you.

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I can totally understand why you would delete the Twitter account. I can only say I was fortunate to have made your acquaintance because you *were* on, and were gracious in responding to this Reformed Protestant pastor

I remain on Twitter because of people I find interesting, inspiring, and even hurting, so that I can bring encouragement, attention, and my outrageous sense of snark and humor. There are so many whom I've interacted whom I wish I could meet in person (You and your family *could* have moved to Kansas, you know)

As it is, we all have this in common:

In this house,

We believe in the Holy Spirit

The holy catholic church

The communion of saints

The forgiveness of sins

The resurrection of the body

And the life everlasting!

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023Liked by Rae

I got permabanned from twitter and I never bothered to circumvent it. Yours was one of the only accounts I missed and here I am, subscribed to your substack.

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I’ve been off Instagram for years and off of Facebook since Ash Wednesday. While there are occasionally things I miss, and other addictions have sometimes arisen to fill the gaps, I have no regrets about leaving!

I don’t pay much attention to the secular news beyond what’s covered in the Morning Brew daily email, but The Pillar is an account here on Substack doing excellent reporting on current issues in the life of the church. I’d absolutely recommend giving them a look if they’re not already on your radar.

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Oh, Doc, I can’t deny what you’re saying here. I’ve never had an Instagram account, so I don’t know what that entails. As for Twitter, it’s interface is familiar to me and so are many of the people I follow and who follow me. It provides some social engagement for me, and I’m old enough to still get a kick out of having “friends” all over America, Canada, Europe, Australasia and Africa. I’m just enough of a smartass to inject a little humor and critique. But there are people on Twitter of real worth to me, and you are one of them. I’m glad to be your substack subscriber, but I see all the good you do and the wisdom you proffer on Twitter. It would be the poorer without you, but a person does what he or she must do. You’re a good egg, Rae.

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Maybe treat it like a job and only go on Twitter over a computer/browser during a set time window on certain days. I share your feelings expressed here but I try to soldier on because the only reason I’m on Twitter is to evangelize others. And that work is important. You bring so much to the platform, I’d hate to see you leave. But life does come first so I understand.

It’s an effort to remember my primary job (husband and father) and to put evangelization (Twitter and writing articles) on a shelf until I have the free time for it. If ever I become confident that I can’t find a balance and put things where they belong I will stop evangelizing. My home life is where I should be evangelizing first--leading my family to heaven and doing the work necessary to get there myself. That always has to be priority number one. Evangelizing others has to be secondary.

Anyway I hope some things that I have shared in this comment are helpful to your process. Thank you for everything you do. God bless and be with you and your family.

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Very well said. I am currently off Twitter (kind of miss it) and scroll FB 1 or 2 times a day to catch friends and relatives but even that is a problem. I get enough bad news from YT and email. Thank you for some great insight here. Less is better when it comes to social media 🙏

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deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Rae
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